VOS (Volumetric Object Surveillance)
Sculptures and 3D Artworks
VOS sensors analyse changes in infrared light reflectivity within a 3D volume surrounding objects using 3D MLI Sensor™ Technology. They detect any physical approach within a three-dimensional space or any movement or alteration of an object therein. By setting multiple early alarm zones, it’s possible to raise audible local pre-alarm warnings if visitors cross one ‘curtain’, but only to raise a full alarm with security if they cross another ‘curtain’ nearer the asset(s). The device can be mounted discretely overhead, either flush with or suspended from the ceiling.
Other products
VOS (Volumetric Object Surveillance)
Our VOS sensors analyse changes in infrared light reflectivity within a 3D volume.
Micro-Climate Tag
The IS-TGPTH accurately detects changes in temperature and relative humidity.
Movement-Sensing Tag for Temporary Exhibitions
The IS-TGPTH accurately detects changes in temperature and relative humidity.
Micro-Climate Case Tag
Our IS-TGAITH tag accurately detects changes in temperature and relative humidity.
Pressure-Sensing Kit
Our pressure-sensing kits can be discretely incorporated into an existing plinth.
PIR Sensor
Our Passive Infrared detector, the IS-EX35R, is a low-cost, long-range and portable wireless device.